Saturday, 2 May 2015

Focus Group - Findings

I grouped together 6 of my friends  who are between 25 and 50 (4 male and 2 female), and asked some questions and asked them to fill out a form. This went brilliantly and then I showed them two different car magazines (the ones from my Textual Analysis post).

Main Findings
The main thing that I discovered was that they much preferred the Motor Trend cover to the Top Gear cover.

Ray: "The overall styles is much more appealing because of the layout. I liked the fact that it had more pictures."

Jo: "I prefer the Motor Trend one because it seems more adult and mature, rather than the other one which seems as if it is aimed more at kids."

These findings were partially as I predicted. The use of a formal layout was what I thought would be more appealing which is was, although I did not expect that more pictures would be better.

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